Game, set and match: rehabilitation and video games

New technologies have brought about a veritable revolution in the medical world. After years of establishing itself in the world of video games, it's time forexergaming to take the plunge. 

Entertainment, yes, but diversifying. A new decisive stage in the revolution caused by new technologies is underway. For several years now, exergaming - a contraction of "exercise" and "gaming" - has been making its mark in the world of video games. We all remember Wii Fit and Wii Sport from Nintendo, which has dominated the field since the 80s. Today, it's the medical world that's seizing on the practice.

The potential of video games in the healthcare field is being studied by many. According to research on various pathologies, the use ofexergames motivates patients all the more. More involved, fewer sessions are missed... But that's not all! A significant difference can be seen in the rehabilitation of patients using an exergame in their rehabilitation. 

Thanks to the video game, the results are often more significant than for the various control groups. In the case of ACLs, there was a significant difference in absolute strength between the two groups (212.8 N in theexercise group versus 154.5 N in the control group). The difference in strength between preoperative and postoperative is also better! Too bad for the control group, whose "post-op" strength regressed... Stroke, cerebral palsy or multiple sclerosis, the results of these studies point to the same conclusion. 

Improving muscle tension or balance, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease or engaging patients... More than just a pastime, video games are becoming the future of rehabilitation. The ball is now in the medical profession's court!

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